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有人給你拿 你雨中的花折傘

有人給你打 你愛吃的那三鮮餡


你委曲的淚花 有人給你擦



這個人給了我生命 給我一個家

啊...不管你走多遠 不論你在幹啥


你身在那他鄉中 有人在牽掛

你回到那家裡邊 有人沏熱茶

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I don't know how I feel about being solo yet. It's a journey, and it really has been a journey for all this time, one that has had many ups and downs. I've been meeting people in vegetarian shops randomly, talking to people online, making penpals. All in all, I don't really feel like this was what I wanted. It caused a lot of problems because these are not people that I knew initially, and because I kept our relationships purely online, as a result I didn't really know what kind of people they really are, and that has caused some issues.

Being solo definitely give you more time for rumination and time to chew the pen and think about what to put on your notepad. Time for coffee breaks and walks alone by the riverside. Solo trips to various cafes, but mostly to Starbucks. Time to lay in bed and read a book with some iced roselle tea. Time to again, lay sideways in bed and chat with my mom or sister about what happened in Buddhist class, without being interrupted by Line messages. Time for long mornings, uninterrupted piano sessions, reading sessions, but all in all, sometimes I still feel really lonely. 

I would hit up a college friend with whom I don't share much similarities with any more, only to have her ignore my message or just happen to not see it. I would Line my cousins but they always reply oh-so-reluctantly, even after the course of several months of not contacting each other. And on nights where I feel like a total failure from what happened during the day, I would talk to my mom as if she were my therapist, but she would only shrug amiably and leave my room to let me reflect. Above are the issues that I struggle with, and thinking back, it's not so unlike all those years ago where I type all these thoughts up in my notepad on Mac and feel like a loser years later when I read them after having completely forgotten about those files.

I think ultimately the problem lies in me not taking the present seriously. Me being too casual, not focusing much, and generally just being a slop sometimes. I do try hard, mind you, in everyday life. I keep a notebook where I make lists of things that I would like to accomplish, the few occasional lines of gratitude that I issue out to the world and beyond, and also just doodles here and there. 

I would like to be more focused, more apprehensive, more cautious, more mindful, yes, that would be the word. I want to be more awared and conscious of what I do in every moment of being alive. I want to write more, read more, paint more, ruminate and reflect more on how I am spending my time. I want to feel okay being solo. I want to not just be okay with being solo, I want to feel grateful for being solo. Not ask the world so much for what it can bring me in return, but instead give out so much love and light to all that is around me.

This is what I want to achieve right now.   

Now that I am set on being solo, there are some habit changes I need to make. Like I never really knew this about myself - because, well, I've always had some sort of people in my life with whom I can chat with, or you know, my mom's friends, or my own cousins and stuff like that. So what I'm trying to get at is - I never really put it into context, I never really saw myself as a solo person. I've always kind of known and joked about it, that being solo is good for being a practitioner, it's good for cultivating, but upon seriously acknowledging this, I actually do have to practice being solo. It's not something that I'm good at, with all this alone time, this abundance of space where I can be true, untainted self, it's a miracle and a privilege to live this way, and I definitely have to up my game and feel grateful about it.

- Bobo





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